JasperAI Review


JasperAI, also formerly known as “Jarvis”, is an AI-powered marketing application that assists businesses in generating high-quality content with remarkable efficiency and it uses advanced natural language processing. To break it down, JasperAI can create compelling blog posts, social media updates, ad copy, and other marketing materials tailored to specific audience segments.

It has an intuitive interface and user-friendly design make it accessible to marketers with varying levels of technical expertise. One of JasperAI’s standout features is its ability to generate content ideas and drafts rapidly, significantly reducing the time spent on brainstorming and writing. Additionally, the platform offers customization options that allow users to set the tone and style of the content, ensuring consistency with brand voice.

While JasperAI excels in content creation, it does have some limitations, such as occasional contextual inaccuracies and a reliance on user input for generating truly personalized content. Despite these minor drawbacks, this JasperAI Review finds that JasperAI is a valuable tool for marketers looking to streamline their content production processes and enhance their overall marketing strategy. Lets see how Jasen and Rebecca feel about it individually.

Explore reviews of other AI tools for marketing by clicking here.

In the past when I’ve looked into using AI content generation, I’ve typically come at it by trying to answer two specific questions:

  1. Is this app going to help me create better content that I could do myself?
  2. Is the app adding any additional utility (app features, not AI) above and beyond the out-of-box experience I already get with ChatGPT?

Once we get past those two question, I then need to decide HOW MUCH additional value I am getting beyond what ChatGPT provides, and ask: is it worth the price?

So let’s start with item 1: is JasperAI helping me generate better content?

Like most content generation apps, Jasper sits on top of ChatGPT, so all things being equal, it’s never really going to help you create better content.  But as you will quickly find out, all things will never be equal.

ChatGPT has a great feature to help you define how it should respond and generate content. You can set up custom instructions and effectively set up the proper brand voice and tone in which you want it to write:

While this is a great feature, it’s rather cumbersome to use, and only supports one setting at a time.  Jasper, on the other hand, provides rich support for configuring what it calls “Brand Voices”.  It lets me one time, in one place, set up multiple detailed explanations for the tone and writing styles for generated content.

Unfortunately, Jasper considers the ability to maintain multiple brand voices a premium feature. Their entry level package only allows you to configure a single voice, which in effect neutralizes its value over ChatGPT.

Days I feel like I am using Jasper correctly are when I am spending more time answering their pre-content prompts and curating perfect answers to those questions before I even start telling the application what I want to write about.

This is a testament to what Jasper seems to be attempting to achieve: generating the best possible content the first time. 

Jasen, you’ve raised some important points in your evaluation of JasperAI against ChatGPT, but I will step in and say I believe JasperAI stands up quite well in several critical areas. Let me jump into this: is JasperAI helping generate better content?

You state that since JasperAI sits on top of ChatGPT, it can’t inherently create better content. However, this perspective overlooks how significant the enhancements and additional layers provided by JasperAI can be. While the core AI might be similar, the tools and features built around it can substantially elevate the quality and effectiveness of the generated content.

ChatGPT Customization vs. Jasper Brand Voices

While ChatGPT does offer customization through custom instructions, this feature is often cumbersome and limited to one setting at a time. JasperAI’s “Brand Voices” feature allows for multiple detailed configurations, which is a considerable advantage for users who need to maintain different tones and styles across various types of content. Even if maintaining multiple brand voices is a premium feature, the ability to set up a highly detailed and consistent brand voice significantly enhances the quality of content for users who rely on a consistent tone.

You praise JasperAI’s structured approach to content creation, and rightly so. JasperAI’s comprehensive set of libraries and prompts that guide the user before any content is generated is a feature that significantly sets it apart from ChatGPT. This pre-content planning phase ensures that the content is not only high-quality but also well-aligned with the user’s goals and the intended audience.

Jasper’s Metadata Collection detailed pre-content prompts and metadata collection in JasperAI help shape the output effectively. By focusing on these pre-content activities, JasperAI ensures that the final product is more targeted and refined. This structured approach means less time is spent on revisions and more time on creating impactful content, which is a substantial advantage over the more generalized approach of ChatGPT.

The additional value JasperAI provides goes beyond just the AI’s capabilities. The enhanced customization options, structured approach to content creation, and comprehensive metadata collection all contribute to producing higher-quality content more efficiently. While the premium features do come at a cost, they offer significant benefits that can justify the investment, especially for professional users or businesses.

While I do say that both JasperAI and ChatGPT have their merits, JasperAI’s advanced features provide substantial additional value that can significantly enhance the content creation process. The ability to maintain consistent brand voices, the structured approach to content creation, and the comprehensive metadata collection all contribute to generating better content more efficiently. For users who need high-quality, consistent, and targeted content, JasperAI’s additional features make it a strong contender, justifying its cost and setting it apart from the standard ChatGPT experience.

The second dimension I evaluate an AI content generation product is its feature utility above and beyond what ChatGPT provides. By this, I really am talking about the additional bells and whistles that help make using the product a better experience. So far, ChatGPT has a fairly vanilla “conversational” and chat-based approach, which works, but (I think intentionally) leaves a lot of room for application developers to expand on.

Jasper offers the same aspect of content creation around a chat, however I literally refuse to use it, simply because their other approach is sooooo much better. When I’m writing content, I don’t want to constantly toggle in and out of my editor.  Jasper understands this. Their natural interface is a blended approach to editing content in a traditional text editor and interacting with the AI engine, and I love it.   

With Jasper, you can say goodbye to asking your AI engine to please reconstitute all of your previous edits and conversational responses into a new full version of you content (and then hope that the AI did it correctly)

Jasper’s editor is just straight up gangster. With great features like plagiarism checks, and inline remixing, this is really the only approach a serious content writer should have.

 A few of the other smaller features that are worth mentioning include:

Organizing Generated Content: Jasper makes it simpler to keep track of various pieces, drafts, and final versions. This is especially useful in environments where content needs to be updated or repurposed, providing a seamless way to organize and retrieve documents.

Enhanced Team Support: Jasper supports collaborative environments much more effectively. It allows for smoother workflows, ensuring everyone on the team can access and contribute without bottlenecks.

Enforcing Brand Voice: A consistent brand voice is crucial for any organization’s public communication. Jasper helps enforce this uniformity across all content produced by the team, regardless of the individual creator. This feature ensures that all output adheres to predetermined guidelines, maintaining brand integrity throughout all communications.

Jasen, I appreciate your detailed insights on JasperAI’s feature utility, but I believe there are some key points where JasperAI truly stands out against ChatGPT. Boom!

You correctly point out that ChatGPT’s interface is fairly vanilla, focusing on a conversational, chat-based approach. This simplicity is intentional to allow for versatility, but it also leaves room for enhancement. JasperAI capitalizes on this by offering a more integrated and user-friendly experience.

Unlike ChatGPT, JasperAI offers a seamless blend of editing and AI interaction. This integrated editor allows users to write and edit content without constantly toggling between different modes or applications. This is a huge advantage for content creators who need a streamlined workflow. By incorporating features such as inline editing, JasperAI saves time and reduces the friction associated with generating and refining content.

JasperAI’s editor comes packed FULL with advanced features like plagiarism checks and inline remixing. I mean – these tools are essential for serious content writers, ensuring originality and providing quick ways to tweak and improve content. 

These features are not just bells and whistles but essential tools that enhance the quality and efficiency of the content creation process.

You mentioned that JasperAI simplifies organizing various pieces of content, which is incredibly beneficial. This feature ensures that drafts, final versions, and different iterations are easy to manage and retrieve. For content creators and teams who frequently update or repurpose content, this organizational capability is invaluable. It ensures a smooth workflow and prevents the loss or misplacement of important documents.

And…come on TECH SUPPORT! JasperAI’s enhanced team support is another significant advantage. It facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple users to contribute and access content effortlessly. This feature minimizes those crazy bottlenecks and ensures a more efficient workflow, which is crucial when working as a team – you know there is no I in team right?  In contrast, ChatGPT’s standard interface doesn’t offer the same level of collaborative support, making JasperAI a better choice for teams.

As you should know, maintaining a consistent brand voice is crucial for any organization, and JasperAI kills it in this area. It helps enforce uniformity across all content, regardless of who creates it. This consistency ensures that all communications adhere to the organization’s guidelines, maintaining brand integrity. While ChatGPT can be customized for tone and style, it lacks the robust tools JasperAI provides for enforcing these standards across a team.

As a paid customer for Jasper, I do feel it’s rather expensive.   Every time I use it I feel like I’m depleting my precious amount of tokens I’m provided each month.  Because of that, I temper when I use Jasper and what I use it for.   The value-add differential between it and ChatGPT, for me, is very narrow given Jasper’s costs.

To me, the biggest benefit of Jasper is two fold: 

  • Its library of structured meta-data it will collect based on the kind of content you are writing and how it intelligently integrates that into the output.
  • Working from within the context of an editor rather than a chat conversation.

Since I don’t do a lot of systematic content generation (mine tends to be a bit more ad-hoc) I like using Jasper. But if I were generating more content on a regular basis, I would probably just create a spreadsheet of different parameters for the different types of content I generate and feed them into ChatGPT as I went along.  

Final recommendation:  If you need AI for occasional content generation and want a tool to help build the model around how your content is generated, I would highly recommend Jasper.  If you are an organization that needs to enforce brand voices across multiple users and need a better way to organize the generated content, I would also recommend Jasper.

However, if you are an individual user who generates a lot of AI content, I think the Jasper product will probably quickly become very overpriced for that additional value it adds above and beyond what could be set up in ChatGPT with a little effort.


In comparing JasperAI and ChatGPT, it’s clear that both AI content generation tools have distinct strengths tailored to different needs and use cases. Let me lay down how each stands out and what that means for users considering these platforms, particularly when it comes to pricing.

ChatGPT is a versatile tool capable of handling a wide range of tasks, including general text generation, creative writing, conversation emulation, and coding assistance. It’s simple, conversational interface is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various needs. At $20 per month, ChatGPT offers a cost-effective solution for users seeking a powerful, general-purpose AI assistant. This affordability makes it an excellent choice for individual users, hobbyists, and those who require a broad range of functionalities without specialized features.

JasperAI, on the other hand, is tailored specifically for marketing tasks like copywriting and generating images. It provides a more structured and integrated content creation experience, with advanced features such as Brand Voices, comprehensive metadata collection, plagiarism checks, and inline remixing. JasperAI’s interface is designed to streamline the content creation process, making it highly effective for marketing professionals and teams who need to maintain a consistent brand voice and collaborate efficiently. Starting at $39 per month, JasperAI’s pricing reflects its specialized capabilities and the additional value it offers in terms of feature richness and usability.

Only a $19 difference – really?

The key question for potential users is whether the additional $19 per month for JasperAI is worth the investment compared to ChatGPT. For those whose primary needs are general text generation, creative writing, or coding, ChatGPT’s affordability and versatility make it the ideal choice. However, for users focused on marketing and content creation, JasperAI’s advanced features provide significant advantages. The ability to maintain consistent brand voices, streamline content organization, and support collaborative workflows makes JasperAI a compelling option for businesses and professionals looking to enhance their content marketing efforts.

Final recommendation: Ultimately, the choice between JasperAI and ChatGPT depends on the user’s specific needs and priorities. ChatGPT offers a broad range of functionalities at a lower cost, making it suitable for a wide audience. JasperAI, with its specialized tools and integrated features, justifies its higher price for those who require a robust content creation platform tailored to marketing tasks. For an additional $19 per month, I strongly feel JasperAI provides valuable enhancements that can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of marketing content, making it a worthwhile investment for many users.

JasperAI Review JasperAI Review JasperAI Review JasperAI Review


JasperAI, also formerly known as “Jarvis”, is an AI-powered marketing application that assists businesses in generating high-quality content with remarkable efficiency and it uses advanced natural language processing. To break it down, JasperAI can create compelling blog posts, social media updates, ad copy, and other marketing materials tailored to specific audience segments.

It has an intuitive interface and user-friendly design make it accessible to marketers with varying levels of technical expertise. One of JasperAI’s standout features is its ability to generate content ideas and drafts rapidly, significantly reducing the time spent on brainstorming and writing. Additionally, the platform offers customization options that allow users to set the tone and style of the content, ensuring consistency with brand voice.

While JasperAI excels in content creation, it does have some limitations, such as occasional contextual inaccuracies and a reliance on user input for generating truly personalized content. Despite these minor drawbacks, this JasperAI Review finds that JasperAI is a valuable tool for marketers looking to streamline their content production processes and enhance their overall marketing strategy. Lets see how Jasen and Rebecca feel about it individually.

Explore reviews of other AI tools for marketing by clicking here.

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